
Tag Archives: couture footwear

Common Foot Issues for Runners

Running is a great way to get exercise, and improve your overall health, and is an enjoyable activity in many seasons, but it is also hard on your feet if you’re not running properly or wearing the right shoes. .

How To Identify The Pressure Points on Your Feet

Hello Ladies, Welcome back! Today was a hard day. Your feet hurt, your back is aching and your bra is way too tight. All you need is a foot rub and a drink and you my dear will be .

How To Keep Sweaty Feet at Bay

I know you all are as excited as l am about this beautiful weather we’re having this season. It’s great weather to go jogging, walking, or just a fun lunch with friends, but with heat comes sweat. With all .

Quick Tips for Finding a Shoe for Any Occasion!

Often times we ladies find ourselves in a situation we might not have been in before, and we resort to googling the answer to find out what shoes would be appropriate to wear in that given situation so today .

4 Simple Healthy Coffee Recipes to Help Lower Calorie Intake and Protect Your Health

When I was still working in an advertising agency, I developed a habit of daily drinking 2-3 Starbucks grande-sized mugs coffee. It was probably the reason why officemates called me the happy lady – always smiling, hyper and ready .