Common Foot Issues for Runners

Running is a great way to get exercise, and improve your overall health, and is an enjoyable activity in many seasons, but it is also hard on your feet if you’re not running properly or wearing the right shoes.

Today we are going to talk about Metatarsalgia (met-uh-tahr-SAL-juh) the ball of your foot becomes painful and inflamed, a common injury from overuse. No matter how hard you try to stay active and healthy you may still have problems. Knowing the warning signs is the key to getting ahead of any issues.

            Metatarsals are the five long bones that run from your arch to your toes. When you push off the ground, your body weight is transferred to your metatarsals, one very strong set of shock absorbers. If the weight is distributed unevenly due to a tight Achilles heel or calluses they can cause the metatarsals to become inflamed and irritated.  The worst of the worst that can happen with Metatarsalgia is you may need a callus shaved, a different insert or metatarsal pad, or orthotics. It can lead to joint swelling, bone bruising, chronic stiffness, and lost range of motion, so it’s best to start treatment sooner than later.

The symptoms of Metatarsalgia:

The most common symptom is pain under the foot, more specifically the 2nd or 3rd toes. It’s aggravated when walking or running. It is described as an aching sharp or shooting pain. Metatarsalgia as a condition builds up over time so it is best to rest your feet after long periods on them whether walking or running. The pain gradually intensifies the more left untreated. Some describe the pain as feeling of having a pebble in you shoe

The cause of Metatarsalgia is quite simple, overuse. Overusing your feet with no rest or conditioning especially if overweight does not produce happy feet. The best way to avoid Metatarsalgia

Overusing your feet with no rest or conditioning especially if overweight does not produce happy feet. The best way to avoid Metatarsalgia is taking breaks between long runs, and soothing swelling or pain with ice as it occurs.

Metatarsalgia is not favored to any foot shape, flat-footed, or high arches. Just make sure if you run, you run with the right shoes. Always replace pads that are worn out to avoid issues with your back, your knees, and especially your feet.

Tip: If you are keen to walk on the balls of your feet insoles will definitely help take off some of the pressure.

Keep Running, and hopefully now you can keep an eye out and avoid this major issue many runners face!

10 thoughts on “Common Foot Issues for Runners”

  1. I am not a runner but a walker. This is very interesting as I have heard people make complaints with the symptoms you mentioned but just brushed it off as one of those pains all runners experience. Will be sharing.

  2. Oh this sounds painful! I have a lot of issues with my feet. I have to be so careful on what shoes I buy. Sounds like I may have something like this!

  3. I remember when I used to run and my feet would always ache after mostly because of the poor footwear but I wouldnt wish Metatarsalgia on anyone sounds painful

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